• 5 Must have camera drone

    5. Carbon Flyer :

    The Carbon Flyer claims to be durable enough to withstand crashes, so you can keep flying regardless of how many buildings you hit.The makers claim it's the first personal carbon fibre drone. There are plenty of drones made using carbon fibre, but this is the first affordable one we've seen.
    It's powered by twin motors, and you control it from your phone using Bluetooth. It comes with its own camera, so you can record important surveillance footage of the fields around the back of the park.You can control it up to 240 feet away using an iOS or Android mobile device.
    The app shows how much battery it has left, so it won't get stranded, and you can control the drone's speed, altitude and steering using one hand. Nifty. It's mighty cheap for a drone, with an introductory price of just $79 (£51), though those have all sold out. The recommended retail price is $149 (£95) – still pretty cheap.

    4. Ghost :
    The Ghost Drone by Ehang, Inc. is currently being offered through their Indiegogo campaign (IndieGoGo – Ghost Drone), and has great success in raising $600k OVER their original goal of $100k. Their claim to fame is that they state the Ghost is “the world’s easiest drone to fly.”
    The Ghost Drone was initially designed to be controlled from an Android smart phone. Since we received the unit, they have developed an IOS version, along with a proprietary remote control. On the Android app, the controls are self explanatory, with overlay buttons for taking off, landing, returning, and hovering. A map fills the screen, which allows you to tap anywhere you want the drone to go, and the drone’s orientation, altitude, and camera tilt are adjusted with the overlay sliding bars. For finer horizontal flight control, the app has a micro control pad and compass for orientation.
    To connect your smartphone with the Ghost Drone, there is a proprietary “G-Box” transmitter, which allowed us to safely control the drone almost ½ mile away in an open field with no obstructions.
    The programmers of Ghost Drone have been very busy, and they now have a unique tilt function that works similar to the micro control pad. To move the drone, you simply tilt your phone in the direction that you choose. They also have a proprietary controller in the works for more refined movement and control of the Ghost Drone.

    We will continue this post in future,till than you can watch this amazing video featuring top 5 drones.


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