• Modi invites Apple CEO to manufacture in India

    Indian PM Narendra Modi has invited Apple to set up a manufacturing base in India and its CEO Tim COOK responded positively, officials said today.

    The PM said he would like Apple to start manufacturing in India. He mentioned the huge opportunities India offered,” Ministry of External Affairs Spokesman Vikas Swarup told reporters. Foxconn, which is Apple’s largest manufactures, has decided to set up a manufacturing base in India, he noted.
    The Pm  Modi has been mentioning that there is the public sector, there is the private sector and there is the personal sector. Personal sector he has been talking about people who can be self-made entrepreneurs, Swarup noted
    During the meeting, Cook said India has a very special place in the heart of every Apple employee for the simple reason that its co-founder Steve Jobs went to India when he was a young man for inspiration. It was what he saw in India that inspired him to launch Apple.
    Cook expressed his great desire to be a partner in Prime Minister's Digital India initiative, which he thought was a transformative initiative, which could be a real game changer in India.

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