After expressing her keenness to play Teen Patti with Shahrukh Khan and Salman Khan, Bollywood actor Sunny Leone now wants to do the same with the Indian smartphone users. The celebrity has partnered with Gamiana, a game developing company, to launch her very own Sunny Leone Teen Patti app.
The game is available on the Google Play Store from December 3.
Being one of the few celebrity-branded mobile games, Sunny Leone Teen Patti combines two of India's popular hobbies -- Teen Patti and Bollywood. The game allows the players to play different variation of Teen Patti, create private tables for their own unique play sessions gatherings, as well as chat and trade unique gifts with other players. Players can also earn Sunny Leone digital collectibles as they level up.
"I love my fans and always look for new ways to interact with them. I noticed many of my fans play Teen Patti on their mobile phone - so I was excited about the idea of creating a cool casino experience specifically for them," said Sunny Leone. "I worked with Gamiana to create a place I would visit with my friends. I wanted it to be elegant, a little flirtatious with a sense of humour. I hope my fans will come play with me there", said Sunny Leone in one of her tweets.
"We wanted to create a Teen Patti game that is reminiscent of the glitz and glamour players would associate with Las Vegas or Macau," said Vishal Golia, CEO of Gamiana. "At the same time we wanted to give a very contemporary Bollywood touch that would set the bar for Teen Patti games on digital platforms."
Teen Patti is a basically an Indian and simplified version of Poker. It is fairly popular in India, something that Leone and Gamiana believe can be used to create a game that is hit with consumers.
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