• Windows 8.1 vs. Windows 10

    Windows 8.1 by Microsoft has disappointed many of its users. The operating system was supposed to start new era for touchscreen devices, but even after its release, the consumers were adamant about still using their mouse and keyboard. Windows 10, on the other hand, shows progress in the digital world and is largely considered better than its predecessor.

    Here are a few of the differences between the two versions:

    Boot time:

    Both the OS takes same booting time, with the only difference being of only fractions of a second, which is not noticeable.  Facial recognition feature of windows 10 makes the difference, which can hurry the boot time by logging in the moment you sit in front of the computer. At the moment though, it requires a special Intel RealSense 3D camera, but in the future, the computers and laptops will hopefully have it integrated.


    Windows 8’s interface was specifically made for touchscreen devices, without considering that many users don’t have those types of computers or laptops. Windows 10 corrected the errors, by designing the start menu as a Windows 7 and Windows 8 hybrid, to allow users to use it even on devices without a touchscreen.

    It also has a new interface option, inspired by Linux, that lets you create a virtual desktop. Meaning, you can sort your apps on different desktops connected to the same PC, according to their intended use. 

    Another addition to Windows 10 is the Cortana search bar, which allows you to enter voice commands or type them to search your apps already installed in your PC.


    Even though it wasn’t as loved by users as it was hoped, Windows 8 was considered very stable compared to Windows 10 which was pretty shaky at first. We’re sure that it will improve over time, but for the time being, several bugs can still be found in the newest system.


    Windows 8 was the first operating system that came with an incorporated anti-malware protection, which prevented the PCs from being infected with the most harmful types of viruses. In the case of Windows 10, it also comes with an antivirus, but Microsoft is working with PC manufacturers to prevent the users to disable it, which can be an inconvenience for users who want to dual-boot OSes. Aside from that, the new operating system comes with face and iris recognition as an authentication option which is pretty convenient.


    Windows 8.1 is considered a good OS for tablets, but the downside is that it doesn’t have as many high quality apps as wanted in the Store. On the other hand, Windows 10 wants to bring users universal apps, which can be downloaded on a tablet, PC and phones. 


    Windows 10 is better than Windows 8.1 even though it’s not perfect, keeping in mind nothing is perfect. It shows potential and it’s also a way for Microsoft to demonstrate that they can do what other thought far fetched. If you are windows 8 user and you are planning to upgrade it to windows 10 then be careful, still their are some bugs remaining (problems were faced by me also). 

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