• Viv: New AI Bot, Siri Makers Are Working On

    Makers of Siri, Dag Kittlaus and Adam Cheyer, left the company to begin creating yet another AI assistant. It's called Viv. The duo left Apple after disagreements over the functionality of Siri.

    Viv is believed to do more than Siri or other existing virtual networks. It's an AI assistant that we can speak to, but the difference here is that Viv is supposed to be able to handle complex requests and actually carry them out. The basic idea behind Viv is that it will be able to book dinner and a movie, and many more like this. 

    Viv Labs' goal is to get its AI inside of tech everywhere. To make all of that work, Viv Labs is partnering with outside companies. GrubHub, Uber, Zocdoc, and SeatGuru are among Viv's 50-or-so launch partners, according to the Post.

    Rather than selling out to a single company like Siri (the Post reports that Google and Facebook have already made offers), Viv's founders want their new assistant to get inside of TVs, cars, and all kinds of connected devices.

    The report talks about how Viv can help order a pizza. On asking Viv to order a pizza, the AI bot typed if the user would like toppings. “The engineers, eight in all, started jumping in: “Pepperoni.” “Half cheese.” “Caesar salad.” Emboldened by the result, they peppered Viv with more commands: Add more toppings. Remove toppings. Change medium size to large,” adds the report. After 40 minutes made to orders pizzas arrived. This was one of the real-time demos and the technology is expected to be unveiled soon.

    “In many ways, Viv appears to be similar to Amazon’s Alexa platform. Both rely on third-party service integration and bypass the use of any third-party apps in favor of direct communication with the service itself,” points out 9To5Mac.

    The race for building AI bots has already begun with Facebook and Microsoft at the forefront.

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